
To ensure security between your browser and our server, the Sembit website uses TLS for all web pages, which encrypts everything between your computer and our server. This is the same technology used for online banking - it is very secure. That means no one can eavesdrop on any of your information.

When you access the Sembit web site, our servers automatically record information that your browser sends whenever you visit any website. These server logs include your IP address, browser type, browser language, and the date and time of your request. We also log actions you take on the web site for analysis purposes, to understand how to improve the web site. That information is not shared with anyone outside Sembit.

We don't use any cookies on this site. We don't share any of your personal information with anyone outside our corporation for any reason unless required to do so by court order or enforceable governmental request (which to date has never happened).

This site has a contact page and a page where you can apply for a job by sending us your résumé. Sembit will use the contact information you submit to respond to you, and will use your résumé to consider you for employment.

You can also sign up to receive our quarterly newsletter. Sembit will use the email address you provide to send that email to you once every three months.

We will occasionally update this privacy policy. When we post changes to it, we will revise the "last updated" date at the bottom of this statement. You are welcome to review it often and contact us regarding any concerns about your privacy in using the Sembit web site.

Last Updated: Jul 17, 2024